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The report aims to equip US universities with a useful data point to aid in their international recruitment strategies for Bachelor’s and Master’s programs.

In this report you can also learn more about our key disciplines of interest in the US:

  • Business & Management
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Medicine & Health
  • Natural Sciences & Mathematics
  • Social Sciences

Subject areas to watch in 2023

Growing subject areas where the demand for Bachelor's and Master's programmes outstrips supply . 

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About Studyportals

Studyportals is your partner for truly global, fully digital and direct-to-student recruitment.
We work closely with universities and other HEd institutions around the world to guarantee their ROI based on result-based services focused on growing and optimising student recruitment efforts.

55 + million



Educational institutes across 110 countries 

Degrees to be explored on our portal by students worldwide 

Yearly student visitors on our education choice platform

Find out more

The report aims to equip US universities with a useful data point to aid in their international recruitment strategies for Bachelor’s and Master’s programs.

In this report you can also learn more about our key disciplines of interest in the US:

  • Business & Management
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Medicine & Health
  • Natural Sciences & Mathematics
  • Social Sciences

Recruiting for Key disciplines in the US 

Download the report


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Interested in learning how Studyportals can assist with international student recruitment?

Be responsive to what students are asking for. Read more about how Studyportals helped the University of Bristol use real-time data insights for new programme development.

Subjects with high demand, in low supply, for international student recruitment

Recruiting for Key disciplines in the US 

Unlock Insights into International Student Preferences 

for US based Studies

Understanding global trends in student recruitment is crucial for shaping effective recruitment strategies.

How UTA partnered with Studyportals to build a robust digital presence and boost international student recruitment

By establishing a robust digital presence beyond their website, UTA could tap into a larger pool of potential students and establish a strong foundation for recruitment and enrolment success.

Download the Case Study

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You might be interested in

Unlock Insights into International Student Preferences for US based Studies

How UTA partnered with Studyportals to build a robust digital presence and boost international student recruitment

Be responsive to what students are asking for. Read more about how Studyportals helped the University of Bristol use real-time data insights for new programme development.

Download the Case Study

By establishing a robust digital presence beyond their website, UTA could tap into a larger pool of potential students and establish a strong foundation for recruitment and enrolment success.

Our clients

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Understanding global trends in student recruitment is crucial for shaping effective recruitment strategies.