
Blackboard Collaborate – making video streaming easy in higher education


Blackboard Collaborate free trial


Technology is a key ingredient in facilitating changes in today’s learning environment. Your class or university may not have ‘flipped classrooms’, but many who are involved in higher education have observed the increased use of technology to some degree.

When thinking about applying technology to education, chances are that video streaming is what comes to mind first. By recognizing the trend and benefits of video streaming technology in higher education, our partners at Blackboard have developed a new service called Blackboard Collaborate. Because of our partnership, we are happy to share with you a free 30-day trial, so that you can test it for yourself! The trial account includes the full version of the Blackboard Collaborate solution, without any restrictions. Feel free to experiment with hosting web conferences, virtual meetings, or incorporate ‘blended learning’ into your classrooms, by inviting up to 100 participants.

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While video streaming is mostly known for its benefits inside the classroom, other university professionals who work outside of the classroom can experience its advantages as well through Blackboard Collaborate, such as (international) student recruiters and the university’s marketing professionals. Below you can read more about who can take advantage of video streaming services in higher education and how.


Educators and their students

Blackboard support service

Although the effects of using video in classrooms comprise a topic of ongoing research, numerous studies show that video supports learning and changes our learning environment. By using a video service in class, educators can both live stream and record their lecture. This enables students to watch lectures at a desired time and location, and do so at their own pace. When students are able to watch lectures online, the actual class itself becomes less about disseminating knowledge and more about interactions, answering questions, and discussions. Additionally, using such technologies in a learning environment complies with the tech-savviness of today’s generation – a generation that is visually sophisticated and used to using digital media in their daily life.

“… as teachers move to a flipped learning environment, they are able to spend more one-on-one time with their students and foster strong relationships. These have a lasting impact in the lives of students.” – Jon Bergmann

Furthermore, coinciding with the increased popularity of online education and e-learning, video streaming services also increased their support towards distance learning. Therefore, interactive video services extend their reach beyond the classroom walls, supporting new learning and teaching experiences across cities, states, and countries.

 University marketing

digital marketing for universities

By making video a part of the marketing strategy, your university is able to differentiate itself from others. Though it is fairly common nowadays for prospective students to visit universities, there is always a percentage of students who cannot travel to your campus. This is especially difficult for those who need to travel a long distance and are curious about getting a feel for the life on campus. Even prospective students who have visited may still have lingering questions that can’t always be answered with simple written materials. By being present online, marketing can use live streaming, for example, by:

  • Promoting the university experience. Prospective students can benefit from this, especially those who may be struggling to integrate well or get used to a different way of life. Live streaming can help overcome such fears by showcasing your university and the student population in a real, unstaged way.
  • Offering a live video chat to inform prospective students and respond to their biggest concerns. This can be done by organizing a Q&A session with teachers or a live chat with a group of current students who respond to questions, ease concerns, and offer advice. Additionally, you can extend the Q&A session with Facebook and Twitter campaigns to reach a higher number of prospective students.

(International) student recruiters

Student recruitment

With university programmes starting in the first quarter of 2017, the deadline is soon approaching for universities to admit national and international students. Many institutions around the world now accept video interviews from applicants. Video streaming services help universities save time and money while speeding up the application process. Some benefits of using live video for your application process include:

  • Testing English language skills
  • Verifying the identity of an individual
  • Checking if the potential student matches with the university
  • Enabling an authentic introduction
  • Recording interviews to review them later or having them reviewed by others

Blackboard Collaborate

With Blackboard Collaborate, our partners at Blackboard recognize the trend of using video technology in higher education. Their newly redesigned solution is a browser-based video streaming service that makes synchronous collaboration simple and crystal clear. Java-free launching and easy deployment mean you can focus on teaching and learning, not technology requirements. Give it a try and subscribe for your free 30-day trial. The trial includes full access to all of the features.


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