9 years ago

StudyPortals joins forces with EFMD


We are pleased to announce that StudyPortals has entered into strategic partnership with EFMD.

StudyPortals, the world’s largest international study choice platform and EFMD, one of the world’s leading network association for management development, are joining forces with the objective to raise visibility and recognition of quality management education programmes, comprising EQUIS and EPAS accredited entities, amongst prospective students. Moreover, the partnership provides EFMD members with easier and more effective international marketing and recruitment solutions as well as insights on student behaviour patterns.

Both EFMD and the StudyPortals group are delighted with the strategic partnership.

William Davila, Chief Commercial Officer, StudyPortals:

I am very proud of this agreement. After working for many years in business schools I can say that the amount of data about student behavior that StudyPortals is generating will help in transforming the sector in the years to come.

With more than 12 million visits every year, StudyPortals is the leading study choice platform, helping students to find and compare all their education options globally, while delivering a global, measured recruitment channel.

EFMD is a global, membership driven organisation, based in Brussels, Belgium, with offices in Geneva, Hong Kong and Miami. As the largest international network association in the field of management development, the EFMD network includes over 860 institutional members and reaches over 25,000 management development professionals from academia, business, public service and consultancy across 83 countries worldwide.

Matthew Wood, Director of Operations, EFMD:

The EFMD – StudyPortals strategic partnership brings a global higher education platform to all members. The easily accessible, global database of programmes makes searching for prospective students easy while providing students with a comprehensive platform of study choice. We believe our partnership with StudyPortals will have enormous benefits for members and build stronger global bonds between our member schools and prospective students.

You can find more information about EFMD on their website or follow EFMD on LinkedIn or Twitter @EFMDnews.

For more information about StudyPortals, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter @StudyPortals.

Press contact

EFMD: Magdalena Wanot | Email:

StudyPortals: Carmen Neghina| Email:

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