Iris Lu

Job summary/responsibilities

Leveraging data analysis and paid media expertise, Iris enhances value for both students and Studyportals by identifying cross-platform opportunities and developing strategies to drive impact.

General introduction/background

Originally from Taiwan, Iris moved to the Netherlands to pursue her MBA at Rotterdam School of Management. With several years of experience in digital marketing, she has managed overall strategy and execution for paid media, social media, influencer marketing, and campaign management across diverse sectors including advertising agencies, e-commerce, and SaaS. Iris joins Studyportals with a focus on driving impactful marketing initiatives, leveraging her background to contribute effectively to the team.

Key challenge

Crafting data-driven media strategies to enhance value.

Favourite activities

Practicing yoga, indulging in films and series, culinary experimentation, and the art of flower arrangement.

Favourite Studyportals element/experience

Serious about fun