Carmen Neghina
12 years ago

Commissioner for Education Vassiliou officially launches

Facebooktwitterlinkedin is a brand new study choice platform dedicated entirely to the field of open and distance learning. During the EADTU Conference 2012 this comprehensive, collaborative database will be launched – presenting already over 1,200 programmes from more than 180 institutes. This portal will help students to find their perfect education, while it also supports higher education institutions in the promotion of their distance learning programmes. offers easy searching and comparing of concrete open and distance learning offers. Moreover, it also includes informative videos, articles and student stories on distance education. As such it will finally bring transparency to the wealth of opportunities available – and provides institutions with a way to effectively promote their programmes to millions of prospective students.
The portal has been developed by EADTU and StudyPortals and is co-funded by the European Commission. And now, Commissioner for Education and Culture Mrs Vassiliou will officially launch the portal and make it available for the worldwide audience.

Would you like to take advantage of this effective promotion channel and benefit from the unique visibility? Today is the right time to get engaged and ensure your institution its spot on a platform already reaching 2 million orienting students every month!

Ask for more information and get your programmes listed now:

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