StudyPortals and NAHSS join forces to bring study choice transparency to Asia
StudyPortals, the international study choice platform, will take over the platform, of the Netherlands-Asia Honours Summer School (NAHSS) with the objective to sustainably create an overview of study options, internships and scholarships in Asia for international students. 16 universities are already part of the platform, including the renowned Zhejiang University, Peking University, Tsinghua University and the National University of Singapore. Their offer on will be integrated with the StudyPortals platforms in order to provide a wider access to this important information.
Nikki Wijnands (Program Board, NAHSS) explains:
“The NAHSS has decided to let StudyPortals take over this website because we strongly believe that they have the right means to reach a much larger part of the student population worldwide. Our main goal is to motivate as many students as possible to go studying in Asia and as such we believe StudyPortals is the best website to provide students with relevant information.”
Both StudyPortals and NAHSS share a common goal – the desire to enable students interested in studying in Asia to find a program that suits their ambitions.
“The aim of the NAHSS is to give students the opportunity to experience Asia and to make them aware of all the opportunities this continent has to offer. Asia is one of the fastest growing regions in the world and of vital importance to most Western economies. Hence, it is crucial for our generation to gain a better understanding of the Asian cultures to prepare ourselves for the ever-growing influence of the Asian continent. However, students tend to be slightly hesitant in spending (part of) their studies at an Asian university. One of the reasons for this is that there is a lack of clear and reliable information about programs in Asia. This is why the NAHSS is very excited about our partnership with StudyPortals because their portals provide students with useful information about studying abroad. We especially value StudyPortals’ student experience portal,, because we believe that the best way to motivate students to go to Asia is by sharing stories of other students. For this reason, we have also asked our students to write a review about their experiences so their enthusiastic stories will hopefully persuade more students to go to Asia” said Nikki Wijnands.
“I studied myself in Japan – it was a life changing experience but I was part of a ‘lucky few’ and it took me more than a year to organise, if I was a student today, I would go to China. Student mobility to Asia is important for economic, and social reasons – probably even contributes to world peace.” Says Edwin van Rest, CEO of StudyPortals. “However, there is very little awareness and information on the study options in Asia – we want to make it easy and reliable for students to consider their options, just as we have done in Europe and are doing in the Americas and Oceania – it is an important step towards StudyPortals’ ultimate goal: global transparency in study-choice.”
Furthermore, StudyPortals will provide a generous sponsorship for one of the students participating in the NAHSS prestigious summer school programme and facilitate his/her dream to study in Asia. Additionally, StudyPortals has agreed to take over, a portal developed by NAHSS with the goal of providing information to students interested in finding information about study exchanges, study programs, internships and scholarships in Asia.
You can find more information about the NAHSS on their website.
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Press contact: Carmen Neghina | Tel: +31 (0) 655 875 270 | Email:
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