Carmen Neghina

Free webinar: How traditional universities (can) go online


Online education is a strategic factor at higher education institutions. Nearly 70% of the institution leaders think that online education is critical to long-term strategy of the institution (1). To cover the need for accurate data and to ease the process of shifting to online education StudyPortals and Blackboard will offer a free webinar on the topic.

During the webinar experts from both partners will release you their latest data and hottest trends in the demand and offer of online education and also give you tips on how to improve your online education or how to avoid the pitfalls if you are just about to go online.

The webinar will take place on Tuesday 8 July at 3:00 pm (UTC +1:00). You can join the webinar via web conference using a mobile device or computer. Instructions will follow in the registration mail.

Register here.


As an expert in international online marketing, he has been leadingly involved in the development of several successful web portals for traditional and online education, such as – the world’s premier information resource for distance and online education, serving a broad variety of universities in more than 40 countries.Michael Steinmann

Louise Thorpe

Louise has published widely on student experience and expectations of learning technologies and is a review panel member for the British Journal of Educational Technology. Louise has taught at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels initially in business communication and finance and latterly focusing on higher education and learning technologies.1.

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