Carmen Neghina

Rankings now available on our portals


At StudyPortals we always aim to provide students with as much relevant information as possible, to help them in choosing a study programme. When asking our visitors what information they miss on our websites, rankings were the single most mentioned aspect. Therefore, ranking information for both Shanghai University Ranking (ARWU) and Times Higher Education (THE) Ranking is now embedded within our portals.

A specific ARWU and WUR page is available on the portals. They contain all information about the ranking that is in line with our visitors’ interest. Besides that, a table shows all ranked universities that are listed on our portals.

Furthermore, all universities that are ranked in one of the lists will get a link on their profile pages. This link redirects to the new ranking pages. When a university is not ranked in a list, there will be no mention of the ranking and no link will appear.

At StudyPortals we are very much aware that rankings are not the most nor the only relevant property for a student to base their decision on. The top ranked university is not automatically the best option for a student. We also support initiatives that look at a student’s needs when creating a ranking table, such as the U-Multirank. Therefore, we also share this view with our visitors by clearly mentioning that rankings can help them in making a choice, but that they should also take other relevant factors into account, such as internship opportunities, language of instruction, study location and etcetera.

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