Product Innovation

New features on our path to becoming The Matchmaker in Higher Education

Exciting new features have been added to Studyportals’ student-facing portals like Mastersportal, Bachelorsportal and PhDportal. These recent innovations are mostly centred around the Profile Page for our student users. This personal page is quickly becoming a key component in the student’s journey with Studyportals as we move to more personalised services for our users.  At the end of 2020, Studyportals released a new version … Continued

Signing up for a good match

Studyportals’ aim is to make quality matches between students and programmes of Higher Education institutions worldwide. By asking students to sign-up and register, we can capture their interests and we can engage with them over time to provide relevant information … Continued

Tips for a successful design sprint

In the pursuit of creating the best global education platform in the world, the first week of February at Studyportals was a very memorable one. We stopped all scrum work and ran 5 design sprints in parallel. Yes, 5 design sprints. And, … Continued